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Diversion of L73 for Carrarese Calcio match.

#at_Carrara In Carrara, on Saturday 8th March, from 10:30 to 18:30, on the occasion of the match of “Carrarese Calcio 1908”, due to the total closure of Via Piave, the L73 services will be diverted as follows:

Outbound: Cimitero Turigliano dir. Monti (temporary terminus) – Viale XX Settembre – Via Brigate partigiane – Via Provinciale Carrara/Avenza – Villaggio San Luca, then regular.

Return: Bonascola Perla – Villaggio San Luca – Via Provinciale Carrara/Avenza – SS1 Aurelia – Viale XX Settembre then regular until Cimitero Turigliano dir. Monti – (temporary terminus)

The stops along the closed section will be temporarily suspended.

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