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Winter timetable (from 15/09)

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In Massa, every Friday, from 06:00 to 16:00, due to the holding of the weekly market, Piazza Betti will be closed; the affected routes will be diverted as follows:
Line 60
In both directions limited to the roundabout between Viale Roma and Via G. Rossini (terminus stop V.le Roma/Via Rossini)

Line 61
Massa F.S. – Piazza Betti: regular until the intersection with Via Massa/Avenza – Via Massa/Avenza – Via Mattei - Via Casola until the roundabout between Via Casola and Viale Lungomare di Ponente (terminus stop Via Casola dir. mare)
Piazza Betti – Massa F.S. Reverse route

Line 62
In both directions limited to the roundabout between Viale Roma and Via G. Rossini (terminus stop Via Rossini)

The stops included in the closed section will be temporarily suspended. Those located in Via Marina Vecchia will be available.

#at_MassaCarrara In Massa, every Tuesday from 06:00 to 15:30, due to the weekly market, Viale Roma is closed in the section between Piazza della Misericordia and Via Carducci.
The L60 and L77 lines will be diverted as follows:

Massa F.S. - Piazza Betti: regular until the roundabout of Piazza della Misericordia (towards the sea) – Via Marina Vecchia – Via Carducci – Viale Roma then regular
Piazza Betti - Massa F.S.: regular until the roundabout of Via Carducci – Via Carducci – Via Marina Vecchia – Via E. Chiesa then regular
07:40 Massa Via Europa - Ronchi
13:42, 15:45 SS1/Via Oliveti – Piazza Betti
Regular until the roundabout of Piazza della Misericordia (towards the sea) – Via Marina Vecchia – Via Carducci – Viale Roma, then regular

The stops included in the closed section will be temporarily suspended.


From 10th September 2024, every Tuesday from 06:00 to 15:30, due to the weekly Tuesday market, Viale Roma will be closed in the section between Piazza della Misericordia and Via Carducci; the L60 services will be diverted as follows:

Outbound from Massa F.S.: regular until the roundabout at Piazza della Misericordia (towards the sea) – Via Marina Vecchia – Via Carducci – Viale Roma then regular.
Return from Piazza Betti: regular until the roundabout at Via Carducci – Via Carducci – Via Marina Vecchia – Via E. Chiesa then regular.

The stops included in the closed section will be temporarily suspended.
Those located on Via Marina Vecchia will be available.

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Winter timetable (from 15/09)

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