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Roadworks on SP632


🚧🔄Due to the closure to traffic of the SP632 crossing of Pracchia, Via Nazionale, from civic number 78 to civic number 82 (section corresponding to the bridge over the river Reno), on Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th March 2025, the indicated services of line 67 will have the following changes:

Line 67 San Marcello Pistoiese-Porretta Terme
The indicated services departing from San Marcello Pistoiese at 07:50 (Pracchia 08:18), 08:55 (Pracchia 09:23), 10:05 (Pracchia 10:33), 12:05 (Pracchia 12:33) heading to Porretta Terme are limited in the locality of Pracchia.

Line 67 Porretta Terme-San Marcello Pistoiese
The indicated services departing from Porretta Terme at 09:19 (Pracchia 09:49), 10:14 (Pracchia 10:44), 11:24 (Pracchia 11:54), 13:45 (Pracchia 14:15) will start the service from the locality of Pracchia.

All stops for the indicated services from Pracchia to Porretta Terme A/R are cancelled.

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