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Pistoia - Santonuovo - Forrottoli - Montemagno - Quarrata


Winter timetable (from 15/09)

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⚠️🔄Due to a landslide, Via Guado and Granchiaie is closed in the section between Via della Fonte and Via Scopetana (municipality of Quarrata). Therefore, from 17th March 2025 until the restoration of the road, line 358 will undergo a diversion.

Line 358 towards Quarrata:
The diversions already in place due to the closure of Bonelle and Via Pontassio will be carried out; upon reaching Via Scopetana, turn into Via Forrottoli (direction Santonovo), then Via Rubattorno, Via Montemagno, Via Europa, at the “De Martiri” roundabout take the first exit onto Via Vecchia Fiorentina I tronco, Via della Libertà, Via Cavour, Via Trento on the normal route.

Line 358 towards Pistoia:
From the terminus of Via Corrado da Montemagno, reach the roundabout of Via Folonica, then Via Trieste, Via Fiume, Via Pistoia, Via Vecchia Fiorentina I tronco, “De Martiri” roundabout, third exit Via Europa, Via Montemagno, Via Rubattorno, Via Forrottoli, Via Scopetana, subsequently the diversions due to the closure of Via Pontassio and the locality of Bonelle will be in effect.

Service is not provided from the locality of Forrottoli to Montemagno and Lucciano.
Stops along the diversion will be made.


🚧🔄Following the change in traffic on the SP9 (loc. Bonelle), from 28th February 2025, lines 14, 52, 78OmV, and 358 are diverted.

Lines 14 and 52 (affected services) from Pistoia to Casalguidi and/or San Baronto:
Regular route until Via Bonellina, then SP9, Via Montalbano, and regular route.

Lines 14 and 52 (affected services) to Pistoia:
Reverse route.

Line 358 from Pistoia to Quarrata:
Regular until Via Bonellina, SP9 until the roundabout of the Case Nuove di Masiano, Via Montalbano to Bonelle, Via Vecchia Fiorentina, and regular route.

Lines 58 and 358 towards Pistoia:
Regular until the end of Via di Loreto, then Via Montalbano, SP9 until passing the motorway underpass and resuming the regular route to Pistoia.

Line 78 OmV (service at 13:45 Pistoia-Ombrone Vecchio-Ramini):
Regular route until passing the motorway underpass to Bonelle, turn at the “Vergine” roundabout, Via Bonellina, SP9, Via Montalbano, regular route until Ramini.

Suppressed stops: PT0721*; 5@0722; PT0719*; 5@0720; PT0717*; 5@0718; 5@0716; 5@0715; 5@0713; 5@0714
*Active stop for line 358 to Quarrata.
On request, stops are made along the alternative routes.


🚧🔄Due to roadworks in via di Pontassio in Pistoia, from 3rd February 2025 until the end of the roadworks, lines 58 and 358 are undergoing a diversion.

Line 358 from Stazione towards Santonuovo:
Regular route until via Vecchia Fiorentina, then via Vergine dei Mei, SP9, via Montalbano, via Loreto, via di Pontassio, then back to normal itinerary.

Lines 358 and 58 from Santonuovo towards Stazione:
Reverse route.

via di Pontassio: No. 5@1127, 5@1126, 5@1129, 5@1128
via Vecchia Fiorentina for lines 58 and 358: No. PT1125, PT1124, 5@1123, PT1122, PT1121, 5@1120, PT1119, PT1118


🚏From Tuesday 4th February 2025 until the end of the roadworks, the stop located on via Bonellina in Pistoia no. PT0714 "Bonellina, 164" is temporarily suspended. For lines 14, 52, 78OmV and 358, the nearest alternative stop is no. 5@0716 "Bonellina 252".


🚧🔄Due to roadworks, from Friday 24th January 2025 and until the end of the works, the stop located on via Bonellina, in Pistoia, with the designation N° PT0713, Bonelle (EDICOLA), will be temporarily suspended for lines 14, 52, 58, and 358.

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Winter timetable (from 15/09)

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