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  • for registrations, informations, complaints, suggestions and lost items:

Autolinee Toscane toll free number
800 14 24 24 
Monday - Sunday 6-24

Autolinee Toscane toll number
800 14 24 24 
Monday - Sunday 6-24

  • for complaints only:


Regione Toscana toll free number
800 57 05 30
Monday - Friday 8-18



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Facebook: @AutolineeToscane

Telegram:  @AutolineeToscane_BOT

Instagram:  @at_toscana

Youtube:  at toscana

LinkedIn:  @AutolineeToscane


for registrations, informations, complaints, suggestions and lost items (customer service answers form Monday to Thursday from 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m., on Fridays from 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.)

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