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Roadworks on the water network in Via Pistoiese in Prato


🚧 from 09:00 on Wednesday 5th March 2025 and until the end of the roadworks, as planned by the PNRR, for the complete replacement of the drinking water network, a one-way traffic system will be established on Via Pistoiese in Prato, in the section between Via Valdingole and Via di Montemurlo in the direction of the latter. Therefore, the lines will have to carry out the following temporary diversion of route 🔄

LINEA 207 direction PRATO
From Via Pistoiese, services diverted onto Via lungo il Ficarello, Via Croce Rossa, Via Valdingole, Via Castelfidardo, Via Doberdò, Via Pistoiese, then regular route.

🚏 the stops VIACCIA 4 and VIACCIA 6 will be temporarily suspended.

👉🏼 a temporary stop will be established on Via Lungo il Ficarello, after the turn from Via Pistoiese and on Via Valdingole, near civic number 21.

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