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Winter timetable (from 15/09)

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🚧🔄Due to roadworks along Via IV Novembre in the locality of Olmi (Quarrata), from Wednesday 19th February 2025, lines 61 and 78OmV will undergo a diversion.

Line 61 from Quarrata towards Agliana:
"Via Gramsci, Via Piero della Francesca, Via Romano Chiti, Via Firenze, Via Statale Fiorentina S.R. 66, upon reaching the traffic light in the locality of Olmi, turn right onto the regular route."

Line 61 from Agliana towards Quarrata:
"Regular route until Via IV Novembre; in the locality of Vignole, turn left onto Via di Mezzo; then Via G. Falcone and P. Borsellino, SR66 Fiorentina, at the traffic light in the locality of Olmi, turn left onto the regular route."

Line 78OmV from Bottegone for Via Ceccarelli - Olmi – Pistoia:
"Regular route until Vignole, then Via di Mezzo, Via G. Falcone and P. Borsellino, SR66 Fiorentina, at the traffic light in the locality of Olmi, turn left onto the regular route."

Line 78OmV from Pistoia for Olmi – Via Ceccarelli:
Regular route.

- QUA373 "Olmi (Fosso Dogaia)"
- QUA375 "Vignole (Chiesa)"

Stops along the diversion route will be made upon request.

12 61


🚧🔄Due to roadworks on via Roma in Agliana, from Thursday 23rd January 2025 for the entire duration of the service and until the completion of the roadworks, lines 12 and 61 are diverted as follows:

Line 12 towards San Michele:
Regular route until via Provinciale Pratese, then continue straight, via Spartaco Lavagnini, via A. Selva to resume normal itinerary from the intersection with via San Niccolao.

Line 61 towards Montale - Agliana – Quarrata:
Regular route until via Provinciale Pratese, then via Spartaco Lavagnini, via A. Selva to resume normal itinerary from the intersection with via San Niccolao.

Suppressed stops: 5@1462, 5@1464, 5@2793, 5@1468, 5@1470, 5@2943
All stops on the diversion route will be made.

12 61


🚧🔄Due to roadworks in Via Roma in Agliana, from Thursday 23rd January 2025, lines 12 and 61 (school runs for the Capitini institute) will make a change in route according to the attached diversion plan.


🚧🔄Due to roadworks along the Via Montalbano SP 6, in the municipality of Quarrata, from Tuesday 7th January 2025 until the end of the roadworks, lines 13, 13V, 61, and 51PQF will undergo a diversion.

Line 13V from Quarrata towards Poggio a Caiano
Line 51PQF from Quarrata towards Florence:
Regular route until Via Montalbano, then Via Antonio Gramsci, Via Filippo Brunelleschi, Via Piero della Francesca, Via Romano Chiti, Via Firenze, Via Statale SR 66 on the normal itinerary.

Line 13 from Quarrata to Olmi - Pistoia
Line 61 from Quarrata to Agliana - Montale:
Regular route until Via Montalbano, then Via Antonio Gramsci, Via Filippo Brunelleschi, Via Piero della Francesca, Via Romano Chiti, Via Firenze, Via Statale SR 66, then normal itinerary from the Olmi intersection.

- 5@1286 MONTALBANO 338
- 5@3626 via Montalbano (Casa della Salute)
- 5@1290 MONTALBANO 406
- 5@1292 MONTALBANO 450 (OLMI)
- 5@0606 STATALE 425 (Line 51PQF and 13V)
- 5@0608 STATALE 488 (Line 51PQF and 13V)

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Winter timetable (from 15/09)

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