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Event "Luglio Galcianese" in Prato


🎡 From 19:00 onwards until the end of service from Tuesday 2nd to Friday 5th July 2024, in order to allow the "Luglio Galcianese" Event to take place in various streets of Galciana in the municipality of Prato, the line will have to make the following temporary diversion of the route 🔄

Direction STATION
From Via della Lastruccia, services will divert via Via del Fondaccio, Via O. Nesi, Via della Chiesa di Capezzana, Via dell’Organo, Via Suor Niccolina Infermiera, then regular route.

🚏 Stops COSTA 2, COSTA 4, PIERACCIOLI, and CIULLI 2 will be temporarily suspended. Stop FOSCOLO 2 will be temporarily suspended ONLY for LINE 3+.

👉🏼 Services will make all existing stops on the diverted route upon request.

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