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Change in route for Cavriglia.

Cavriglia, from 7:00 on Monday 8th to 18:00 on Friday 12th July 2024, to allow for roadworks, Viale dei Caduti will be closed between via dei Colli and via del Minatore. The following diversion route must be taken by the lines concerned.

Line MIV05 towards Montevarchi
It enters Viale Principe di Piemonte (Municipio stop), Piazza Berlinguer, Via Cervia, continues towards via dei Colli, at the intersection with SP408 of Montevarchi, turns onto Via Chiantigiana, at the roundabout takes the first exit and then resumes the regular route.

Line MIV05 towards Neri/Meleto/Santa Barbara/San Giovanni and also line MIV06 towards Nardi/Vacchereccia/San Giovanni will have the following diversion:
Continues on Viale Principe di Piemonte (Municipio stop), Piazza Berlinguer, Via Cervia, continues towards via dei Colli, at the intersection with SP408 of Montevarchi, turns onto Via Chiantigiana, at the second exit of the roundabout to resume the regular route.

N.B. Suspended Stops: CVR048 Torre

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