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Roadworks on the electrical network in Traversa Crocifisso

From the start of service on Tuesday 25th June 2024, and until the end of roadworks on the power grid, Via Traversa il Crocifisso in Prato will be closed to traffic, in the section between Via dei Fossi and Via Gora del Pero. Therefore, the line will have to make the following temporary diversion:

Direction SEANO
From Via Traversa il Crocifisso, services will divert via Via dei Fossi, Via Toscana, Via Gora del Pero, Via Traversa il Crocifisso, Via G. Braga, then follow the regular route.

Direction PRATO from Seano
From Via G. Braga, services will divert via Via Traversa il Crocifisso, Via Gora del Pero, Via Toscana, Via dei Fossi, Via Traversa il Crocifisso, then follow the regular route.

The stops TRAVERSA DEL CROCIFISSO 2 and TRAVERSA DEL CROCIFISSO 9 will be temporarily suspended.

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