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Diversion of lines 140 and 141 to Calcinaia on 6th July.

To allow the cycling race named “Benvenuta Estate” to take place, some changes to traffic circulation will be implemented, including the closure of vehicular traffic on via Vittorio Emanuele II and other streets in the center of Calcinaia.
Due to the above, from 9:00 to 24:00 on Saturday 6th July 2024, the routes of lines 140 and 141 will be diverted:
Lines 140, 141 “section VICOPISANO → ROTARY MONTECCHIO”
From via Provinciale Vicarese to the intersection with via Saragat (VARIANTE PROVINCIALE VICARESE) turn left onto the variant via Saragat, right onto via Fratelli Rosselli, right onto via Vicarese, right onto the variant via Saragat continuing to the roundabout in the locality of Montecchio, regular route

Lines 140, 141 “section ROTARY MONTECCHIO → VICOPISANO”

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