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Change in route on Scacciapensieri Street.

In Siena, Scacciapensieri Road will be closed to traffic from 9:00 to 18:00 on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th July 2024.
The urban lines will undergo the following changes:
- Line s3 from Policlinico towards Due Ponti, from Via Orlandi continues on Strada di Malizia – Viale Bracci Viale Sardegna – Viale Toselli.
- Line s3 from Due Ponti towards Policlinico, from the roundabout of Madonnina Rossa continues on Viale Sardegna – Viale Bracci - Policlinico to resume the regular route.
- Line s8 from Via S.Martini to the roundabout of Madonnina Rossa continues on Viale Sardegna-Viale Bracci-V. Orlandi-Strada di Malizia – Siena FS Railway Station, and then resumes the regular route.
- Line s8 with trips at 13:35 from del Sale- FS Siena, after Via Orlandi continues on Strada di Malizia Viale Bracci-Viale Mazzini-Via Garibaldi -Piazza del Sale.
N.B. Stops S0895-S0204-S0896-S0897-S0203-S0202-S0201-S0200-S0900-S0198-S0525-S0197 will be suppressed during the closing hours.

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