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Diversion of lines 2+ and 21 in Livorno.

In Livorno, on the days 16th – 17th - 18th – 19th - 20th – 21st – 22nd – 23rd September, from 22:00 to 06:00, Via Garibaldi will be resurfaced. Below are the diversions for lines 2+ and 21:
Line 2+
Direction Station: upon reaching the intersection with Piazza Garibaldi, it will not travel through it but will divert to Via degli Avvalorati, continuing on Via del Porticciolo, Via della Venezia, right onto Via della Cinta Esterna, right onto Piazza XI Maggio, Via Palestro, left onto Via Garibaldi, then regular route.
Line 21
Direction Station: after making the regular stop at Via Grande 6, it will not travel through Piazza della Repubblica - Via Garibaldi but will divert continuing onto Via de Larderel (making a stop at Piazza della Repubblica 4 of the 1+), Viale Carducci, left onto Via I. Nievo, right onto P. Pisana, then regular route.

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