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Event in Montelupo Fiorentino


From 06:00 to 15:00 on Saturday 21st September, due to a local event, Viale Centofiori is closed in the municipality of Montelupo Fiorentino. Therefore, line 72 is making a diversion.

Direction Montelupo Cento Fiori:
“… Via F.lli Cervi – pass the roundabout with Via 1° Maggio – Via F.lli Cervi – via Arti e Mestieri – VIA ARTI E MESTIERI (terminus parking after Via dell’Artigianato).”
Stops: those present along the diversion route.

Direction Lastra a Signa FS:
“VIA ARTI E MESTIERI (terminus parking after Via dell’Artigianato) – Via Arti e Mestieri – Via Citerna – Via SS 67 Tosco-Romagnola – Via 1° Maggio – Via F.lli Cervi – pass Viale Cento Fiori - Via F.lli Cervi…”
Departure from the terminus 5 minutes before the scheduled time from the Cento Fiori stop.

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