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Emergency weather situation in the Pisa basin (situation of

From 10:00 on 15th March, the service in the Pisa area is as follows:
Urban lines of Pisa: do not operate, except for line 1+ and the mixed lines 10, 120, 130, 150, 190.
Detailed breakdown of the routes operated:
Urban line 1+: guarantees the connection Station - Cisanello (with diversion via Ponte delle Bocchette);
Mixed line 150: regular to/from Musigliano
Mixed lines 190 and extra-urban 180: regular;
Mixed line 10 and extra-urban 30: regular, with transit via via Livornese;
Lines 60, 70, 80, 85, 120, 130: regular out of Pisa. Diverted into the city from the Cascine underpass, via Aurelia, via Conte Fazio.
Line 130 does not pass through Cucigliana, reaches Vicopisano via SP2.
Extra-urban line 51: cancelled;
Extra-urban line 50: limited to Collesalvetti.
Line 230: transit open between Pontedera and Forcoli; regular line between Pontedera and Montefoscoli, locations of Ghizzano and Legoli are not reached.
Lines 340 and 430: do not operate.
Line 400: does not transit through S. Ruffino, Boschi, Usigliano.
Line 290: connection operated in the stretch San Miniato - Fucecchio with transit via Ponte Nuovo; limited in the direction of Empoli to La Scala, P.zza

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