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Diversion of line 3+ in Lucca.

#at_Lucca In Lucca, on Monday 17th February from 08:00 to 18:00, due to roadworks, Via Battisti will be closed to vehicular traffic; therefore, the line 3+ will be diverted as follows:

Line 3+ Direction Palatucci - Stazione FS:
from Via dei Cavalletti, V.le Papi, P.le Boccherini, left at P.le Verdi (where it will make the pick-up and drop-off at the stop LU0875 Via Vittorio Emanuele II), Piazza Napoleone, then regular.

Line 3+ Direction Stazione FS - Palatucci:
regular until Piazza Napoleone, left at Via Vittorio Emanuele II (where it will make the pick-up and drop-off at the stop LU1181), exit city Porta S. Anna, right at Viale Papi, Via C. del Prete, then regular.

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