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Diversion of lines to Santa Croce sull'Arno.

#at_Pisa In Santa Croce sull'Arno, from 08:00 on Monday 29th January until the restoration of regular traffic, via Donica will be closed at the intersection with via Morante.
Therefore, the following lines will be diverted as follows:
lines 250, 290 “tratta FUCECCHIO → SANTA CROCE”
Regular route on SP5 via Francesca until the intersection with via XI Febbraio, right onto via XI Febbraio (NO VIA DONICA) continuing until the intersection with via Salucci, left onto via Salucci continuing on via Della Libertà, regular route.
lines 250, 290 “tratta SANTA CROCE → FUCECCHIO”
line 291 “tratta SAN DONATO → SANTA CROCE”
Regular route on SP5 via Francesca until the intersection with via Donica, continue on via Francesca (NO VIA DONICA) until the intersection with via XI Febbraio, left onto via XI Febbraio continuing until the intersection with via Salucci, left onto via Salucci continuing on via Della Libertà, regular route.

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